Speaking hypothetically, of course...
If, let's say, you happen to have a particularly busy day, one that begins rather early and ends rather late with lots of driving and dropping off and picking up involved..
And if, in theory, you happen to be super-focused on the necessity of being on time to something very important like, for instance, the very first day of the Homeschooling Co-Op you've just joined..
And, also, if you happen to be ever so slightly mentally fuzzy because of some difficulty falling (and staying) asleep the night before due to the constant repetition of the next day's schedule in one's mind so as not to forget ANYTHING...
And you've rushed through your morning tasks so as to accomplish the task of getting out the door on time...
And you arrive at home nearly five hours later to be greeted at the door by the unmistakable aroma of cooking gas and realize with horror that you, in your haste that morning, did not turn off the burner completely once the kettle boiled...
And you have no choice but to immediately vacate the premises and call 9-1-1 and explain that you are, in fact, a scatter-brained idiot who cannot be left alone for five minutes and may have set a horrible chain of events in motion which could result in the sudden combustion of half a suburban block...
Knowing full-well that the fire department that will be deployed to your home is the self-same one that your very own husband volunteers with and that they will be smirking the moment they hear the address, laughing at you from the moment they ascertain that there is no immediate danger and subjecting said husband to years of ridicule over the cotton-headed-ninnymugginsness of his silly wife who is, apparently, too stupid to properly turn a lever...
And that they will have to tramp all through your entire house, even the parts not normally open to the public...
If all these things happen to occur on any given day, it really might help make you feel a wee bit better if your house is not also in a shambles or looking like the ape house at the zoo.
It's been a very tiring day.