This is what I am looking out on today. Ick.
Again, I know my skillz do not do it justice. It's miserable out there. It could be worse, it could be 92 degrees with 90% humidity, that would REALLY make me cranky! Even during the short distance between home and school the roads were treacherous and flooded. The Viking left over an hour ago to begin what is usually a 45-minute commute and just texted me that he hasn't even gotten on the highway yet.
I just wish our stove was in working condition! I could have a nice, blazing fire in it and be folding laundry in front of it, or just relaxing, keeping warm in front of it, instead of hovering near the stupid, ugly, unfragrant space heater. Okay, enough about the stove...
So, I managed to pull dinner together at the last minute. A last-ditch peek into the fridge (before pulling on coat and hat to run to the nearest grocery) revealed two previously forgotten packets of sausages I had bought on Friday because they were Buy 1 Get 1. And as I had plenty of potatoes in the bin, it happily became Bangers-N-Mash night! I say happily but that's only for me and The Viking. The children do not like Bangers-N-Mash night. Man-Cub would prefer Bangers night while Redheaded Snippet could do Mash night every night. But Bangers-N-Mash it is and so they will eat.
I do not (obviously) have photos. Lately, I have been too tired by 5:00 each evening to do anything but scrape something out of a pot into a bowl for dinner then melt into the sofa until The Viking says, "Hon, you look wiped. Go to bed." I think it's our stupid morning routine. I wake at least 6 times before I actually have to get out of bed. That can't be healthy. I think I need my own bedroom (sorry, Love), full sensory deprivation and a good solid week of waking up exactly when I want to in order to get caught up. Which means it'll never happen. Sigh.
I'd better go make some coffee.
Hey I had buy one get one sausage too...hmmm...I put a bunch of mine in the freezer and we are using it for brinner tomorrow night. I know the Viking doesn't go for brinner and I am very thankful I am able to do that around here.
It's supposed to be nasty here today too. I'm just hoping it will be cold enough that the nasty rain will turn into lovely snow.
Good idea for dinner! Rosie used to request that after a trip to England, but I've forgotten it is in the binder, but who looks at that :)
Take your iron.
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