
Monday, April 27, 2009

Yoo Hoo!

It's late and I must go to bed, having just spent an hour having a heart-to-heart with Redheaded Snippet about her grief as she watches the final words in this major chapter of her life being written. I think she woke up this morning and realized she will be graduating from 8th grade in only 8 weeks. Lots of change is ahead and she is beginning to quake a bit.

But I just had to pop in and declare that I am still here! Our Internet and phone service were out for almost three weeks! Even our service providers couldn't figure out what the problem was! But, thankfully, a very nice, young Miracle Man in a Comcast baseball cap and t-shirt was able to come by after dinner this evening and set everything to rights again. Redheaded Snippet practically flew to the keyboard, losing herself in a mad spree of IMing everyone she knows all at once!

So, it's been scandalously long since I've last posted and I have LOADS to catch up on, but I will be back very, very shortly.

1 comment:

Leila said...

Oh good :)