The Graduating Class of 2009. Yup, that's it. We are a teeny, tiny school. Redheaded Snippet is in the front row, third from the left.
The Chambers Singers started the evening off right with one of the best arrangements of "The Star Spangled Banner" I've ever heard. And, speaking not just as a parent, but also as a musician and former Music Educator, I can say I have never heard a junior high music group sound like ours do. Our Music Teacher is worth every penny they are paying him and way more and I don't mind going on record as saying so. He has done amazing things with our music program. But moving on...
The Awards Presentation was first (after all the formal greetings, etc). There they all are, wondering if their names will be called.
Redheaded Snippet made us very proud. She received a Sports Award presented to the boy and girl who "have exhibited, to the highest degree, qualities of Sportsmanship, Leadership, and Physical Ability". She was pretty excited about that one.
She made us even prouder when she received the Borough Council Award, presented by the Mayor to "the student, chosen by his or her fellow students who has exhibited, to the highest degree, qualities of Leadership, Sportsmanship, Trustworthiness, Kindness, Cooperation and Friendship".
To round things out, she was also recipient of the award presented to the student who has contributed most to the Drama Program.
Walking across the stage, upon having her name called, to receive her diploma.
Officially a graduate!

Best friend, partner-in-crime and fellow graduate
That's one proud Viking.
The next day in school (yes, they make them go back to school for a two-hour day the day after Graduation) there was another, less formal awards ceremony during which Redheaded Snippet was presented with trophies for MVP in both Field Hockey and Basketball. So, all in all, she made out really well and has been clearing out space in her room for the new plaques, trophies and certificates.
We have spent the few days since relaxing with purpose between spurts of semi-frantic activity as we prepare for our big trip to the National Futures Championship in Virginia Beach. It's a 6-hour drive and we leave tomorrow so I have lots to do, as you can imagine! We're planning on dividing and conquering while we're there so the trip is part business and part vacation. I will be carting Redheaded Snippet to all her games, practices and meetings, and The Viking will be taking Man-Cub around to various fun-filled activities. I've heard whisperings about crabbing, kite-flying, digging, swimming, castle-building, splashing, you get the idea. We're also meeting up with The Viking's aunt, uncle and cousins who live in the area, hoping to visit a few historical sights while we're there (time permitting, of course), and we've decided to stay an extra night so we can spend a day in D.C. I think we're going to be quite tired out when it's all over!
We've reserved a suite with a kitchen so we don't have to eat out all week (Redheaded Snippet specifically asked for homemade meals so she's better fueled) but I'm hoping to actually cook a few meals today and tonight so all I have to do is pack them up and then heat them up when we get there. Which means, oh dear, I'd better get to the grocery store! And the children better get crackin' on the cleanin'! The car needs to be emptied so we can refill it with all our essential travel gear and I refuse to come home to a messy house! So, I'd better get out the bull whip and megaphone and quit blogging!