
Thursday, June 02, 2011

Pretty, Happy, Funny Real FLAMBE'!

I'm finding that this Pretty, Happy, Funny, Real business seems to rather efficiently represent the schizoid quality of my life as long as you split it into two parts: The Pretty and Happy vs the Funny and Real.

Point in case (as Redheaded Snippet used to say):

Ah, so Pretty:
From the climbing rose sloooooowly taking over the gazebo. I can see them from the kitchen window and Redheaded Snippet always surprises me with a vase or two of them and it always makes me so...

Happy! (nice segue, yeah?):
You'd never know, from looking at these shots, that we live in a crazy house.

Funny (but I'm not sure he thought so):
In case you don't know, I have a long and bloody history with the toaster oven. I can't seem to keep from setting it on fire. EVERYONE teases me that that's why The Viking had to become a firefighter: to save us all from certain fiery death.

Thank HEAVEN he was home! I responded as only a hair-brained knucklehead would and ran out onto the porch, flapping my hands and yipping things like, "FLAMES...TOASTER...EMPTY...SORRY!"

On the flip side, now I get to go toaster shopping.


Leila said...

Haha -- you made me laugh!! I'm glad you're married to a fireman! :)

Leila said...

You are so funny. Did I already comment? I just read this out loud to Rosie.

Mama Bear, JD said...

Funny/scary/something I've almost done!