I'm finding that this Pretty, Happy, Funny, Real business seems to rather efficiently represent the schizoid quality of my life as long as you split it into two parts: The Pretty and Happy vs the Funny and Real.
Point in case (as Redheaded Snippet used to say):
Ah, so Pretty:
From the climbing rose sloooooowly taking over the gazebo. I can see them from the kitchen window and Redheaded Snippet always surprises me with a vase or two of them and it always makes me so...
Happy! (nice segue, yeah?):
You'd never know, from looking at these shots, that we live in a crazy house.
Funny (but I'm not sure he thought so):
In case you don't know, I have a long and bloody history with the toaster oven. I can't seem to keep from setting it on fire. EVERYONE teases me that that's why The Viking had to become a firefighter: to save us all from certain fiery death.
Thank HEAVEN he was home! I responded as only a hair-brained knucklehead would and ran out onto the porch, flapping my hands and yipping things like, "FLAMES...TOASTER...EMPTY...SORRY!"
On the flip side, now I get to go toaster shopping.
Haha -- you made me laugh!! I'm glad you're married to a fireman! :)
You are so funny. Did I already comment? I just read this out loud to Rosie.
Funny/scary/something I've almost done!
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