Autumn is my favoritest of seasons (followed closely by winter--love, love, love snow) and Halloween is my favoritest of Holidays. I love unpacking the crates of Harvest and Halloween decorations and decking the place out with Autumnal delights. I love the challenge of creating costumes for the kids (we rarely buy them, this year being one of the exceptions, more in a moment) and walking around town in the (usually) crisp weather dressed outrageously and greeting everyone we know. Hey, any excuse to wear a costume and get free candy will do!
Man-Cub is being Link from The Legend of Zelda. He decided this back in August. And he looks darn cute, if I say so myself. I'm a little concerned about getting the elf ear tips on him as I don't think he understands the goo factor involved and he's been complaining righteously about his wig. Yes, his wig. That's right he's wearin' a wig. I bought a shaggy blonde rocker wig ($5.99 at Walmart--YES), cut it to the desired proportions and had Mom (my one-woman Halloween sweatshop) sew it into the cap she made for me. Daria and Lobelia (Sisters #3 and #4 in case I haven't mentioned it before) have even gotten in on the act this year and have made what I'm sure will be a mighty kick-ass shield for our valiant elf-warrior (I haven't seen it yet, Daria is bringing it in a few hours).
Red Headed Snippet is being Spiderman. Don't ask, I really don't know. But she decided she was too mature to possibly show her face around town in a costume made by her mother anymore and declared she would be wearing a store-bought costume this year and every year henceforth. She and a friend decided it would be awesomely cool to go together as Good, Red Spiderman and Bad, Black, Be-Muscled Spiderman. They are inordinately excited about this and have even modeled their costumes for us. Red Headed Snippet is Good Spiderman and, I must say, it looks funny seeing Spiderman with bosoms. Of course, the costume got tears and pulls in it the very first time she put it on, but in a way that was good because it helped her see the error of her ways and she's already overturned her store-bought costume decree.
I am anticipating a very fun, but tiring, day. I've already got beef stew in the crockpot (trying a new recipe) and have hot chocolate fixin's on standby for when we all stumble in the door, tired, hungry and thirsty. Won't it be wonderful to come home to beef stew and hot chocolate after a long day of trick-or-treating? I might be more excited about that than the trick-or-treating. Well, no, I guess I'm not. But I'm still excited!
Daria is also coming this afternoon which always makes me happy. She's my baby sister (though at 23 she is a baby no more) and makes any special event even more special. She also loves Halloween and beef stew and hot chocolate so we're gonna have a blast, y'all!
So, a few more things before I go make a last-minute run to Walmart for some brown shoes for Man-Cub. I thought I had shoes that would match his boot covers, but can't find them and I simply cannot have him wear navy blue sneakers with brown boot covers. I went rummaging for my corn muffing recipe so I could post it today, but can't find it! I must have left it at Lobelia's pumpkin-carving party! So, I'm posting my even-better Cream Scone Recipe. It's Lobelia's and it is AMAZING! Easy, quick, delicious and impressive. Are you ready?
Lobelia's Cream Scones
2 cups flour
1/3 cup sugar
1 T baking powder
1/2 t salt
1 1/4 cup heavy cream*
*Note: it is imperative that you use heavy cream and not, say, half-n-half or whole milk. The recipe simply will not work if any substitutions are made. Believe me I've tried. It's just one of those prima donna recipes.
1. Preheat oven to 425 degrees
2. Whisk dry ingredients together
3. Add cream and mix just until mixture is mostly moist, then knead lightly with hands to incorporate
4. Shape into ball, then pat flat on floured surface into an 8-inch round, 3/4-inch thick
5. Cut into 8-12 wedges
6. Brush with milk or cream then sprinkle with sugar and/or cinnamon
7. Place on parchment-lined cookie sheet about 1/2-inch apart
8. Bake 12-15 minutes until lightly browned on top
9. Cool on wire rack 10 minutes
Now that you have no excuse for making fantastic, crowd- and child-pleasing scones, how about a few photos? I haven't been able to get any pics of the harvest decorations on the outside of the house because of this gimpy hip of mine (going to the doctor tomorrow), but I do have some of the inside to share. I've been dying to share these! I have no one else that appreciates them; most of my family thinks I'm nuts the way I go on about this stuff. Is it any wonder I talk to myself so much?
The dining room table. The runner came from my favorite Mennonite market a few towns away. I bought the metal pumpkin several years ago at a great local store which has since gone out of business, China Outlet and Gourmet Garage. The acorn is actually a candle I picked up at JoAnn Fabrics last year and the silver candlesticks were a wedding gift (but I can't for the life of me remember who gave them to us). I have since picked up green tapers (from Target) for the candlesticks but haven't had the time to take a new pic. And I don't know how to upload them into the computer by myself but that's neither here nor there, not mention it's embarrassing so, moving on...
So there you have it! The fruits of an evening's worth of labor and years' worth of collecting "clutter" as my mother calls it. Thanks for reading, if you've made it this far.
Well, I really must fly now. I have to get Man-Cub from school in an hour and still haven't been to Walmart yet!
May we all have a fun and safe Halloween!